Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy New Year! Happy New You! and My Instagram!

Destroy What Destroys You.
Just posting a quick motivational photo for the new years. Recovery journey is starting to take a big turn and  it feels real good to me. I want to do a post about my experience of falling out of depression, so probably next blog will be about that. And no it's not because of the physical changes that is making me happier.... It's mentally too. It's amazing how things can change when I've felt so stuck in a rut for many years. Anyways I'll save all of that for next post!

Any who so I joined two social networking! One is called "Experience Project"-- if you feel depressed, like you need someone to talk to and nobody is there for you, go join this website! You can find people who are going through similar things that you are going through and seek advice.. Or just to talk to. NO HATERS ALLOWED! So try it out!! and I also joined Instagram. Sure I don't have many followers but I just wanted to have a place where I can post up some motivational stuff and progress pictures! I already have some Cushie friends that are seeking advice and seeing the progress of other fellow Cushies... If you have an account for either social networking sites, join us & add me!! See you in 2014!

ExperienceProject: Yoshigirl12

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sexy Pictures of My Test Results!

Haha jk about the sexy part. Some people like to post sexy "selfies" but I will post bloody test results! Hey, I put hearts to make it sexier lol <3 The blood test results are in and drumroll..... 

^^Lol nothing much to see here but last month I was .03 So that is something? Unless it's just residual medication I took the other day prior to drawing blood. Hope not. I was at .03 three months ago.. I get nervous before bloodtests not because of needles but I still feel iffy these days so if my adrenal gland was to normalize I would be dissapointed that "iffy" would be the new normal I have to live with.. But the test confirms the iffy feelings. Still long ways to go. I am feeling better than before so let's keep rolling with the good times & improving. Still got my patience socks on. If that is the only thing I learned from Cushing's then it would be a good lesson of patience. Yeah, for those who have experienced major illness ya'll know that getting sick is only the beginning. Now there are other concerns that are raising up. The doctors told me this would be expected to find underlying problems after since Cushing's masked alot of underlying problems with itself. For example my allergies came back. But that's the least of my worries. Sounds like a sad broken record but I'm sharing my truth and that's what's up.

The dizzy spells are still here. I feel light headed and numbness on my chest and face often. It's worse when I'm hungry or tired. My PCP told me my white blood count (WBC) is low so we are going to investigate.. Health is a tricky little equation..

I went to vacation last week and I could not be as active and snorkel or walk too much. But it was still a great winter escape nonetheless. Wish I could stay there forever! I'll post up some pictures next time but I'll preview a real sexy picture down here. =]

Sexy Paradise eh?