Thursday, September 18, 2014

Test Results & New Video Update!

Hi guys, I was bored surfing on youtube and clicked on my channel only to see that the Cushing's video views are up to 14k with many comments. It has really made me happy that people are watching, talking, connecting and raising awareness for Cushing's syndrome and disease. Thank you all the viewers, subscribers and for the shares on youtube. I feel a sense of connection from the community to one another and my goal is to make this illness a little more known out there. I wish I could get an already famous youtuber to just shout us out and so we can have a bigger amount of awareness.

It's easy to forget as time goes by. We get this illness and write blog about it but then once we recover we forget how hard it was and how rare it is.  I get that sometimes we just want to forget about what had happened and move on from our life and life begins to feel better so we don't really care to complain on blogs but you guys, please keep sharing your story to the world because you might just save one person's life for viewing your story. There has to be people who are proactive about awareness for every other disease for it to be well known so we need to do this for our Cushie family. Sorry if I sound all preachy but I really hurt when I get these emails of people who are going through the same thing I was a few years ago when the disease was in the early stages. Being misunderstood, misheard, ignored. I was reading a story of a celebrity who is depressed, gained alot of weight and can't lose it and I just wonder do they know about CD? Or I walk down the street and see a person with a moonface and buffalo hump and wonder if they know they are sick?
Fluctuating Test results. Not sure if it's improvement but hey better than having high cortisol!

Well I have some big Cushing's News coming up that I want to share in my next blog. It's still in the works. I am really excited about it! If you haven't already, please comment and keep the converstation going!! Here's my moon face again =]

My 2013 Video

Here's my updated 2014 video:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


WOW So my mom told me a few weeks ago that she has a cousin named Mai in Vietnam who had an adrenal tumor. I was in disbelief since this is supposedly a "rare" tumor but someone in my bloodline has one too. I was curious to know more so I asked for my mom's cousins contact and wrote to her. She then responds to me a week later to confirm that she did indeed have a adrenal tumor. Due to the language barrier it was hard to communicate but from what She told me she did not have Cushing's Syndome but another syndrome called Pheocromocytoma  Syndrome. Her first surgery was unsuccessful but her second time was a success because they removed the whole gland with tumor. Ans she does not have to take Steroids since it is not like Adrenal insuffiency.. It was very hard to think that we have a connection. Upon discovering this crazy crazy revelation, Mai mentions that her cousin (Nancee) from California also has an adrenal tumor and Cushing's Syndrome and was diagnosed this year and had her surgery in April... What.... Another distant relative from my mom's side has an adrenal tumor AND Cushing's?? This is so hard to believe yet an amazing discovery.. I then was more curious to speak to Nancee and waited to get into contact with her.

Another week passes by and Nancee responds. She also confirms that she has an adrenal tumor and Cushing's syndrome. She is 42 and has had Cushings for about 6 years and had her surgery this April. Her symptoms are classic CD symptoms much like mines and now in recovery. Just like ours, her recovery is rough mostly with the depression and body pain. We then relate to our bad experiences with most doctors and endos who have not treated adrenal patients and are usually baffled by our cases.

I just can't seem to put together this fact that two of my distant relatives had the adrenal tumors and all this time I believed that it was a rare tumor that only affects a 2 out of a million people. We know that not all families get Adrenal/ Pit tumors or have CD but what about the ones that do? What is the connection? Why do endos, text books and online research claim that Cushing's is an isolated disease when now there is evidence that it does happen to family members. Just like the other story I posted about the brother and sister who both had CD? Now It's more evidence to support this theory and for us to believe that Cushing's is not isolated and very much prevalent.

 FORGET WHAT THE DOCTORS, INTERNET AND TEXTBOOKS TELL YOU. How is this possible??? I will try to investigate.